Examine this scenario, and tell me which one you feel is practicing racism. Person A truly believes that minorities are slightly closer to animals, have less intelligence on average, and are inherently lazy, yet he is an equal opportunity employer with his business. He hires all who are equally qualified, and gives them their own chance to advance, based on their work ethic and demonstrated ability. He even extends additional care and instruction to some of the inner-city youths that he employs because he knows they didn't have anyone to teach them work ethic, and other various skills that are required to be successful.
Person B, doesn't believe that minorities are inferior, (per se), but if an inner city youth walked in with a doo-rag, and his pants sagging, he's dismissed before the interview even begins. This guy smiles at work, and interacts with his minority co-worker, but he wouldn't dare live around them, and always votes to keep the public transportation system from the big city nearby, from being extended to his suburb, (even though it would mean a TREMENDOUS opportunity for economic improvement for the minorities that would use it to have access to better jobs, better schools, and the ability to be exposed to another culture to learn things that their culture lacks). Person B sees a young black male in his community, you bet your bottom dollar he's going to follow him and see what's up, because "You know statistics show how THEY steal" etc.
In your opinion, which one, (or both), do you consider to be racist? The one who feels they are inferior, but would never do anything to restrict access to jobs, education, equal advancement etc., or the one who pre-judges based on perception, and thereby restricts all kinds of opportunities that are required to have a truly level playing field?