Herschel Walker nails it

Way too many white opinions in this thread... no where close to being an objective conversation until empathy and reason are put first for communities or groups of folks that most spend absolutely no time with... Damn... everybody chill and remember that your reality is different from the person next to you.
Way too many white opinions in this thread... no where close to being an objective conversation until empathy and reason are put first for communities or groups of folks that most spend absolutely no time with... Damn... everybody chill and remember that your reality is different from the person next to you.
Are you saying white opinions are all the same or they are jaded? The inference suggests only black opinions matter, which is racist.
I mentioned nothing about a police incident. In the case of Mr Blake that was recently shot I totally agree with you. I think the officers probably did act within their training. I happen to think that in this case that there should be more options prior to getting to shooting that guy in the back 7 times. I think that outcome could have been avoided by both parties. But no, I don't think the police did anything wrong if they believe he was reaching for a weapon to harm them. But I also don't think it should have gotten to that point from either the victims perspective or the officers' perspective.

But as I said, the post you quoted really wasn't focused on that. You could have substituted police violence for any other issue and the point would remain the same.
Yeah, like doing what the police officer tells him to do and not reaching down into the inside of his car door. That would be a good start.