Remove all emissions standards
Open all federal lands and territorial wasters to exploration
Have 6 month approval for drilling
Lower corparate tax rate to zero
. Stop all COVID payments
Remove federal minimum wage
Make secu union illegal
Stop funding of all clean energy research
Provide zero interest loans to fossil fuel companies to build new refineries. Also give tax credits
Remove all COVID restriction and mandated
Stop all foreign aid
STOP ALL QAUNTATIVE EASING (print no more money)
Stop charging federal tax on gas
End Johnson law on flagging of incoming freighters
Getting tired but these are all things we could do . For those who don’t know what a president can do
Open all federal lands and territorial wasters to exploration
Have 6 month approval for drilling
Lower corparate tax rate to zero
. Stop all COVID payments
Remove federal minimum wage
Make secu union illegal
Stop funding of all clean energy research
Provide zero interest loans to fossil fuel companies to build new refineries. Also give tax credits
Remove all COVID restriction and mandated
Stop all foreign aid
STOP ALL QAUNTATIVE EASING (print no more money)
Stop charging federal tax on gas
End Johnson law on flagging of incoming freighters
Getting tired but these are all things we could do . For those who don’t know what a president can do