While idly wandering through one of the big stores today, I ran across a used Marshall AVT150H head for $149. I said to myself, "Self, that sounds like a really low price." Quick online check seems to confirm this supposition.
Now, I've always been a Fender guy. Love my Princeton Chorus. I don't really know anything about Marshalls other than, people seem to like them a whole lot, they're really, really loud, and Lemmy turns his all the way up. Is there something about this particular model that makes it a clunker?
Now, I've always been a Fender guy. Love my Princeton Chorus. I don't really know anything about Marshalls other than, people seem to like them a whole lot, they're really, really loud, and Lemmy turns his all the way up. Is there something about this particular model that makes it a clunker?