Georgia is complete dumpster fire as attested by the lawsuit filed by Lin Wood. He is suing the Secretary of State because he "settled" a lawsuit from Stacy Abrams and the Democrat party by allowing mass mail in ballots which changed how voting can occur in Georgia. His lawsuit states that he did not receive equal rights as a Georgia voter because of the changes. Georgia law states that only the Legislature of the state of Georgia can decide on how voting is to take place and that the SOS unlawfully changed how voting took place. During a recent interview, he stated that he was 100% sure his lawsuit would prevail and he said he normally hedges his bets but on this suit, the law was clear. He also said Governor Kemp and the SOS were corrupt and that they accepted direct payments from outside sources when the state purchased the Dominion voting machines.
Here is what he said will happen. Once his lawsuit goes through the appeals process and goes to the Supreme Court, they will nullify the Georgia election. The winner of the Presidential election will be decided by electoral votes that will be decided by the Georgia legislature. Everyone on the down ballot will be decided by another election. That includes Doug Collins so he is not out yet.
Trump has picked up about 1000 votes from the two counties that underreported votes but I'm not sure he will gain enough to overtake Biden. Fulton County is still a problem because they are not auditing votes, they are just recounting stuffed ballots. The mail in votes were the difference. The watermain break that shut down the election process was an overflowing toilet that was fixed very rapidly.
Here is what he said will happen. Once his lawsuit goes through the appeals process and goes to the Supreme Court, they will nullify the Georgia election. The winner of the Presidential election will be decided by electoral votes that will be decided by the Georgia legislature. Everyone on the down ballot will be decided by another election. That includes Doug Collins so he is not out yet.
Trump has picked up about 1000 votes from the two counties that underreported votes but I'm not sure he will gain enough to overtake Biden. Fulton County is still a problem because they are not auditing votes, they are just recounting stuffed ballots. The mail in votes were the difference. The watermain break that shut down the election process was an overflowing toilet that was fixed very rapidly.