system they had had to that point. In the recording of the concert you can hear Paul mentioning it.
By 1965 The Beatles had become used to being unable to hear themselves play. FB ‘Duke’ Mewborn, the boss of Atlanta hi-fi store Baker Audio, decided to give the group something that had never been done before: monitor speakers on the stage, pointing towards the group, to allow them to hear their voices and instruments.
It wasn’t just on stage that the sound was different. The state-of-the-art setup on the field included four Altec 1570 amplifiers, each giving 175 watts of sound, which in turn powered two stacks of Altec A7 speakers. Although unremarkable today, in 1965 it was an unheard of amount of power for a pop concert.
The difference was noted from the stage, with Paul McCartney exclaiming after She’s A Woman: “It’s loud, isn’t it? Great!”
Being able to hear themselves enabled The Beatles to play tighter than usual, and they were delighted with the results. Afterwards Brian Epstein suggested that Mewborn deal with the sound for their other shows, but the offer was turned down.
Here is link to full story with quotes from backstage interview of Beatles before the show.
Here is link to full live concert. I was 16 and lucky to be there.
By 1965 The Beatles had become used to being unable to hear themselves play. FB ‘Duke’ Mewborn, the boss of Atlanta hi-fi store Baker Audio, decided to give the group something that had never been done before: monitor speakers on the stage, pointing towards the group, to allow them to hear their voices and instruments.
Duke MewbornIt was adequate. We got over it, we were on top of it. You could hear them amidst the screaming.
It wasn’t just on stage that the sound was different. The state-of-the-art setup on the field included four Altec 1570 amplifiers, each giving 175 watts of sound, which in turn powered two stacks of Altec A7 speakers. Although unremarkable today, in 1965 it was an unheard of amount of power for a pop concert.
The difference was noted from the stage, with Paul McCartney exclaiming after She’s A Woman: “It’s loud, isn’t it? Great!”
Being able to hear themselves enabled The Beatles to play tighter than usual, and they were delighted with the results. Afterwards Brian Epstein suggested that Mewborn deal with the sound for their other shows, but the offer was turned down.
Here is link to full story with quotes from backstage interview of Beatles before the show.

The Beatles live: Atlanta Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia
The Beatles' only visit to Atlanta lasted around 10 hours, but was remarkable for one key reason: monitor speakers on the stage allowed them to hear themselves play – a rarity during the whirlwind of Beatlemania. The group landed at Atlanta Municipal Airport at 2pm, having flown in on a...
Here is link to full live concert. I was 16 and lucky to be there.