Got let go from my first real job yesterday. Was completely out of left field and without warning. Boss sent me an email at 3pm letting me know he was letting me go effective immediately after I had already been at the office working all day. Said I could call him so I did and when I asked why he couldn’t give me a reason other than “I have just decided to take the business in a new direction.”
Probably should’ve noticed the warning signs that something was up. My boss opened up a second office in January (which he moved me over to) and since at least June he had been unusually anxious about sales numbers and then last month threatened to withhold commission if we didn’t hit certain benchmarks (two out of nine guys working sales hit the requirements and I was one of the two that did).
We had three guys working sales at new office including myself. One guy got himself fired over the weekend for lying to my boss, the other put in his two weeks notice yesterday morning, and then I got let go yesterday afternoon.
Haven’t felt this down in a long time but also kind of aggravated that I didn’t get any kind of notice so I could start looking for jobs or an explanation behind the decision. Started applying for jobs the moment I got home yesterday and haven’t stopped. Only way I can describe the feeling of staying home and not going to work this am is that I feel gross.
Probably should’ve noticed the warning signs that something was up. My boss opened up a second office in January (which he moved me over to) and since at least June he had been unusually anxious about sales numbers and then last month threatened to withhold commission if we didn’t hit certain benchmarks (two out of nine guys working sales hit the requirements and I was one of the two that did).
We had three guys working sales at new office including myself. One guy got himself fired over the weekend for lying to my boss, the other put in his two weeks notice yesterday morning, and then I got let go yesterday afternoon.
Haven’t felt this down in a long time but also kind of aggravated that I didn’t get any kind of notice so I could start looking for jobs or an explanation behind the decision. Started applying for jobs the moment I got home yesterday and haven’t stopped. Only way I can describe the feeling of staying home and not going to work this am is that I feel gross.