While this author strives to remain as objective and unbiased as humanly possible, a thorough review of this one report suggests that the FDA and Pfizer have appeared to conceal the full extent of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine side effects from the public. If this assumption is in fact true, then the ‘Gold Standard’ regulatory agency and the prestigious multinational pharmaceutical company have thrown the entire concept of informed consent out the window.
It’s also a travesty that months later, the FDA dragged its feet and released this important safety document based on adverse event case reports under FOIA law. Case reports play an important role in pharmacovigilance. The recognition of the link between thalidomide given to mothers and malformations in their babies was triggered by a case report.
Perhaps even more devastating—and a mockery of the whole point of advanced regulatory systems meant to ensure public safety–would be if the FDA wins the ongoing dispute to delay information release, then the public must wait another 75 years to access all the data, which by then will be far too late.
It’s also a travesty that months later, the FDA dragged its feet and released this important safety document based on adverse event case reports under FOIA law. Case reports play an important role in pharmacovigilance. The recognition of the link between thalidomide given to mothers and malformations in their babies was triggered by a case report.
Perhaps even more devastating—and a mockery of the whole point of advanced regulatory systems meant to ensure public safety–would be if the FDA wins the ongoing dispute to delay information release, then the public must wait another 75 years to access all the data, which by then will be far too late.
FDA’s forced hand drops Pfizer’s Bombshell Safety Document
By Sonia Elijah The highly confidential Pfizer documents, which have been synonymous with the extreme lack of transparency revealed by the actions of pivotal governmental agencies, over the past 20 months, lead critics of the official narrative to demand “show us the data,” is finally being...