Figured this was relevant here given all the recent Mizzou discussions, which morphed into a larger discussion of race relations, along with the increase in black churches being burned down following the Dylan Roof massacre and the subsequent national debate concerning the confederate flag. Not to mention the #BLM movement and anything else I'm failing to recall on a few hours sleep on a red eye.
The TV broadcast in the airport alluded to either 6 or 8 (scrolling text across the screen) other similar terrorist plots the FBI or other federal agencies have stopped in 2015, with the stated goal of inciting a race war.
Figured this was relevant here given all the recent Mizzou discussions, which morphed into a larger discussion of race relations, along with the increase in black churches being burned down following the Dylan Roof massacre and the subsequent national debate concerning the confederate flag. Not to mention the #BLM movement and anything else I'm failing to recall on a few hours sleep on a red eye.
The TV broadcast in the airport alluded to either 6 or 8 (scrolling text across the screen) other similar terrorist plots the FBI or other federal agencies have stopped in 2015, with the stated goal of inciting a race war.