It's the Jimmys and Joes. The coaching wasn't the issue yesterday imo. Sure, there was a couple of bonehead play calls, and Roberts went vanilla way too much, but our players have to play better. This week's loss will not affect how bad they want to beat bammer this week, and hopefully, it lights the fire the program needs to take it up a notch. Crap happens.
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Posted on 105 mins, V I P, User Since 107 months ago, User Post Count: 8894- 105 minsVIP
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Our starting lineup yesterday:
Qb: Thorne - Michigan State 3*
RB: Hunter - Auburn 3*
TE: Fairweather- FIU 3*
WR: Shorter - North Texas 3*, Jay Fair - Auburn 3*, Shane Hooks - Jackson St 3*
OL: Dillon Wade - Tulsa 2*, Gunner Britton - WKU 2*, Connor Lew - Freshman 4*, Kam Stutts - Auburn 3*, Izavion Miller - JUCO 3*
DL: Keldric Faulk - 4* FR, Justin Rogers - 4* Kentucky, Marcus Harris - Kansas 3*, Jalen McLeod - App State 3*
LB: Austin Keys - Ole Miss 3*, Eugene Asante UNC 4*
DB: DJ James - Oregon 3*, Keionte Scott - JUCO UR in HS(4* JUCO), Jaylin Simpson - 4*, Zion Puckett - 4*, Nehemiah Pritchett - 3*