Prefaced with a request that our MAGAs, Pubs and conservatives refrain from posting ITT.
BTW, ole 73 of the belief that the Dems will win the WH .... so no need to mention polls, etc. for me ITT.
my first question is are you hoping for:
*) BIG sweep of the House, Senate so that Dems control all 3 & can do whatever they want?
*) have a split ....... most likely would be Pubs somehow keep the Senate?
second question is, if Dems control everything what is your hoped for tax policy?
*) complete roll back of tax reductions (for all businesses, "the rich", etc.). & please define rich.
*) some tax changes but not sweeping increases (protecting small businesses for example)?
third question(s):
*) do you endorse free healthcare for all (citizens and illegal aliens, etc.) and how would you propose healthcare be paid for?
BTW, ole 73 of the belief that the Dems will win the WH .... so no need to mention polls, etc. for me ITT.
my first question is are you hoping for:
*) BIG sweep of the House, Senate so that Dems control all 3 & can do whatever they want?
*) have a split ....... most likely would be Pubs somehow keep the Senate?
second question is, if Dems control everything what is your hoped for tax policy?
*) complete roll back of tax reductions (for all businesses, "the rich", etc.). & please define rich.
*) some tax changes but not sweeping increases (protecting small businesses for example)?
third question(s):
*) do you endorse free healthcare for all (citizens and illegal aliens, etc.) and how would you propose healthcare be paid for?