There is a poster on this site that claims, I misrepresented or even intentionally cheated him in the sale of tickets on this site.
As I understand it. The member is claiming that on the Monday prior to the Penn State game. I posted FOR SALE: ( 4 - 50 yard line tickets Sec 6 Row 23 with a parking pass) or something very close to that, as the title. With no mention of the team/game in the title. Then in the body of the posting there was still no listing of the team to be played, but stated to DM me, if interested in purchasing the tickets.
The member reading this post (since it was Penn State game week, assumed the tickets were for the Penn State game) and DM me asking for the price. And eventually purchased the tickets form me. Only to find out at the stadium that the tickets were for the Missouri game, not the Penn State game.
Since Penn State tickets were in high demand during that period, with many bunker members looking for tickets. And the fact that the posting was up from Monday at 12:40pm until Wed night at 8:34pm. I would have thought that I would have received multiple DM messages. From members inquiring about the tickets, also assuming they were Penn State tickets. Or at least asking me which game the tickets were for. I did not receive any to my knowledge. And I have gone over this issue a lot lately. However, I did receive multiple inquiries during that period requesting the price of my Missouri tickets. And I have gone to the effort of reaching back out to each that DM me, in their original DM message to me. To verify, that they were in fact inquiring about Missouri tickets and not Penn State tickets. Each has said yes and one even titled their DM message to me “Missou tickets”
So to make sure I have not over looked anything. I have decided that for every member (other than the one in who made the claim) that presents and email/DM to me in the next 24 hours. Showing that they reached out to me between Monday-Wednesday of last week, inquiring about Penn State tickets as a result of the for sale posting. I will donate $50 to St Jude.
Please post a copy of your DM/email to me here where every member can see your message and my response, stating the price of the ticket.
As I understand it. The member is claiming that on the Monday prior to the Penn State game. I posted FOR SALE: ( 4 - 50 yard line tickets Sec 6 Row 23 with a parking pass) or something very close to that, as the title. With no mention of the team/game in the title. Then in the body of the posting there was still no listing of the team to be played, but stated to DM me, if interested in purchasing the tickets.
The member reading this post (since it was Penn State game week, assumed the tickets were for the Penn State game) and DM me asking for the price. And eventually purchased the tickets form me. Only to find out at the stadium that the tickets were for the Missouri game, not the Penn State game.
Since Penn State tickets were in high demand during that period, with many bunker members looking for tickets. And the fact that the posting was up from Monday at 12:40pm until Wed night at 8:34pm. I would have thought that I would have received multiple DM messages. From members inquiring about the tickets, also assuming they were Penn State tickets. Or at least asking me which game the tickets were for. I did not receive any to my knowledge. And I have gone over this issue a lot lately. However, I did receive multiple inquiries during that period requesting the price of my Missouri tickets. And I have gone to the effort of reaching back out to each that DM me, in their original DM message to me. To verify, that they were in fact inquiring about Missouri tickets and not Penn State tickets. Each has said yes and one even titled their DM message to me “Missou tickets”
So to make sure I have not over looked anything. I have decided that for every member (other than the one in who made the claim) that presents and email/DM to me in the next 24 hours. Showing that they reached out to me between Monday-Wednesday of last week, inquiring about Penn State tickets as a result of the for sale posting. I will donate $50 to St Jude.
Please post a copy of your DM/email to me here where every member can see your message and my response, stating the price of the ticket.