Does it make anyone else uncomfortable that the IRS is drastically expanding? I think most people might not have a particularly negative reaction to the idea of people who commit tax fraud or evasion or otherwise avoid paying taxes they are lawfully obligated to pay, but the IRS is about to get funding equivalent to a half dozen times bigger than its current entire annual budget. Tens of thousands of new agents. The IRS also has been buying firearms and ammunition and supposedly has thousands of guns and millions of rounds of ammo. Maybe it isn't really the case, but it makes one wonder about gun-toting IRS agents showing up at people's houses. I guess this shouldn't matter to me as I am basically a wet dream for an IRS agent, working for the man paying high taxes with almost no deductions, but something about this doesn't seem right. What is up? Any of you bunker accountants expect this to have a significant effect on your work?
Probably too much to ask, but please don't make this political. The IRS and taxes are generally the sort of thing that cuts across political lines. I know the bunker has the kind of self control to resist going down that rabbit trail. TIA.
Probably too much to ask, but please don't make this political. The IRS and taxes are generally the sort of thing that cuts across political lines. I know the bunker has the kind of self control to resist going down that rabbit trail. TIA.