Lets look at the values of the creed and how they relate to Harsin's auburn tenure and the potato coaches:
#1 Work, Hard Work
- Incomplete. doesnt do over half the job, doesnt recruit and the effort just isnt there. probably gets a D here
#2. Education/Wisdom
- Lack of teaching/development and lack of studying what it takes to be successful in the SEC. doesn't adapt to the situation which shows foundational lack of wisdom. overall an F
#3. Honesty and Truthfulness
- Every week he says they know whats wrong with the team and are working on fixing it. as Stultz has pointed out repeatedly, the staff doesnt know whats wrong and aren't fixing it. has lost all the Respect of auburn fans and anyone watching the team ans well as lost all confidence in the fanbase. double F
#4 Sound Body, Mind, and Spirit that is not Afraid
-this I'll give Harsin credit for. seems sober right now and is not afraid of SEC struggles mostly due to stuborness. sound Mind might be in question tho. ill give hima C
#5. Obediance in the Law
-super A
#6. Human touch
- very robotic, lack of charisma. F
#7. Belief in country
-super A
#8. Belief and love for Auburn
-absolute F, those around auburn constantly show a dislike for Auburn and can't wait to leave as pointed out by @FIG-JAM
overall I'd give Harsin a 2.7/8 on the creed score (or a 33.75/100) which is an F
@Docdumpsta @grizzlyadams16 @Henrytd20 @Ruxpin @alphatiger08 @Boisgreat @RBU1 @Bob Mapplethorpe @AUgncEngineer @The Canoeman