BEZT TEEM USUALLY WINZ--No diffrunt dis seazun. Thay had betta PLAYAZ.
HOW FAR IZ THE "GAP" between both teemz???--Seen da game a few times and yall know I ain't a "SUNSHINE" guy. HOWEVA-- due to GROSS mismanagement at da quartaback pozishun, we wuz perty much playing 10 againzt 11 out thare. We wuz a "quartaback" off frum making that thang a varry good game. Thay a litta FAZTA than uz on dat frunt 7 on DEFENTZ, but if SEAN iz hellthy, thatz a good game. I have neva in my life seen so much LUV FOR DA TUZKALOOZA COACH ON DA BUNKA. Heeez dun a varry good job, but it helpz him TREMENDUZZZLY when we play them 2 yeeerz in a row witout a quartaback,
IZ CARLTON DAVIS INJURED OR OVA-RATED??--I bawt da SUNSHINE on dis guy a litta bit last seazun, but heeez struggled dis yeer frum da onset. He kood be hurt, who knowz. But juzt seemed like he had sum effort ishues during the game, espeshally on da 4th and 4 touchdown dat shut da door on uz!!!
WUT DEFENTZIVE PLAYAZ DO WE HAVE DAT WOOD START AT TUZKALOOZA???- Dis may serprize you but we have wun, NUMBA 31!!!! Thay wood moov hiz azz to SAFETY and he'd be a
MONZTA!!!! Dude is a FRATE TRAIN in BALLAREEEENA SHOES!!!!! Luv to watch him play!!!
LOTTA EFFORT OUT THARE ON "D" FRUM #31, #57, #17 and #24---Thoze guys reeely show out on da film!!!!!
HAND'Z BOYEEEEEZ GOT BETTA- Gotta give HAND kredit. Hiz O-Line wuz the biggest kweztyun mark of da seazun and thay got betta. Overall, I thawt thay did pretty good againzt da nayshunz bezt defentsive line. A coupla bad playz wuz our quartabakkz faults and not on dem O-Linemen.
ALLEN SHOOD WIN DA HIZEMAN UNANIMUZZZLY---HIZEMAN iz da werzt award in college football beeekuzz it ain't neva go to da bezt PLAYA. Without a doubt, Tuzalooza'z "ALLEN" iz da bezt football playa in da KUNTRY.
STIDHAM IS APPROACHING "JEREMY-LIKE" EKKSPEKTAYSHUNZ---Need to pull da reigns back on dis "STIDHAM" luv for a minit. Grate RUNDOWN yestaday but I thank I dun herd a MOD say wut mozt of DA BUNKA thanks--dat STIDHAM TWO DAY IZ BETTA THAN WHITE. Dis iz ware we have to azk ourselves if we lerned ANYTHANG frum Jeremy. STIDHAM haz kumpleeeted a coupla pazzes for BAYLOR. We have women on our EEEEKWEZZTRIAN TEEM dat kood kumpleet pazzes for Baylor. If you ain't seen a Baylor game or dat konfrentz thay play in, check it out. Sum of da werzt deefentse you'll eva see. I'm not sayin STIDHAM ain't good at all. I'm juzt sayin letz always rememba JEREMY and who our COACH iz!!!
WE NEED TO KEEP JF3--Obveeeuzzly thare iz "transfer "rumblings, and I koodn't blame hiz azz if he left BUT he did sum good thangz Saterday. I'm not a coach by no meeenz, bt it looked like he mite have dun mizzed a coupla ZONE READS and datz why GUS pulled him. He probly shooda played da HOLE SEKKUND HALF. He don't need to be a full time STARTA, but az I've sed sintz JULY---we need packages for hiz azz ERRY SANGLEL GAME. Our offentz iz SO PREDIKKTABLE dat he kan help uz by coming in wit a chainj of pace.
WOOD LUV TO SEE KWEEEN AND FRANKLIN IN BOWL GAME---I don't know of WUN PERZUN dat truzts our so called "QUARTABAKK EVALYOUAYSHUN SYZTEM." I'm gezzin mozt peepel thank KWEEN ain't no good cuz he been injured and ain't played. Well, wed need to see hiz azz to help find out. JOE MONTANA wood likely not start for our coach. Letz let Franklin and Kween get all da reps and letz see wut we got.
WHY KWEEEN and FRANKLIN in BOWL GAME---We alreddy have a grate body of werk for SEAN. We KNOW dat when heee'z hellthy, heee'z good. We don't need to find anything else out about him dis yeer.
AUBURN'S FUTURE??--Errythang direkktly tied to dat QUARTABACK pozishun. If we gotta good wun who'z hellthy, we'll probly be kumpetitive. The MILLYUN DOLLA KWEZTYUN iz "KAN OUR COACH REKOGNIZE A GOOD QUARTABACK?" Truthfully, I have neva seen a college hed coach az poor az GUS when it comes to personnel and quartabakkz. Itz almost az like he thankz da program DUZZZN'T NEED THEM!!! I kan tell ya dis----thare iz quartabakkz dat kan help uz out thare. Heck, Mizzizzippi State's quartaback wood KILL IT HEER and he had an offer frum UT CHATTANOOGA and Mizzizzippi State. I kood lizt 10 uthaz.
A good quartaback essentchally putz a BAND AID on our hed COACHING ishue.