Did you have any Lib professors at AUBURN?...


First Round Draft Pick
Gold Member
Jan 28, 2009
Class of '02, and I had one in some BS elective in Haley center...she was always railing about the non-diversity of the students on the concourse. She also looked like a dirty hippie.

There was one other in an Ethics class I had, but I dropped his ass almost immediately and picked that class up with Cliff Perry, who turned out to be the best professor I've ever had. That is to say, I didn't think my education was liberalized at AUBURN.
I’m sure I probably did, but things were less polarized in the 80s and people left their politics out of the classroom - the way it should be IYAM. I didn’t perceive any of my profs spouting one political view over another.

Business ethics. I had a pretty good relationship with the teacher, but he didn’t know my name. I sat next to a guy who would argue with the teacher almost every class. I had a 84/90 points possible in the class, and the 10 points left was the Classroom Participation grade which you usually get 10/10 on.

I had banked on this class giving me an easy A and was surprised when I got a B. I called him up and cited my grades and said “The only way I could have gotten a B is if you gave me half credit for participation”. I cited that I participated in every class and he was super dismissive and said that he didn’t want to argue with me “any more”. I never argued with him in the class and kept my opinions to myself.

It was then that I realized that he thought I was the other guy in the class and he was tanking my participation grade as his little revenge mechanism. Really sinister stuff that today probably would have gotten me more fired up. I got my grade changed in the end but I will never forget that.