Sum of you know dat I STUDY FILM a litta DIFFRUNTLY than mozt az I comb over ERRRRY SANGLE DEEETALE relentlessly.
Juzt a few thangz I noticed:
(1) THE BACKWORDS HATS and WUT do thay meeeen????
Varry interezzzting that dis particular staff chooses to go the BACKWORDS HAT ROUTE. This iz a GOOOD SIGN for a Football teem. Generally a perzzun who wares his hat BACKWORDS iz an OLD KUNTRY BOY that WILL FIGHT TO THE BITTER END. A BLUE KOLLA perzzun if you will. Sumbody who LUVS being an UNDERDOG and will SPIT ON THE JAWJA LOGO!!!!
I reeely like dis about our staff.
(2) QUARTABAKKZ----I kannot tell who iz who out thare but the one in the YELLOW haz a RIFLE. Now, dat duzzzzn't meeen heeeez "GOOOOD", but hiz arm PLAYS THE PART!!!!
(3) The NORTHWEZZZTERN TRANZFER lookz like a GREEEK GOD. Kudos to RYAN RUZZELL and whoever iz our kurrent STRANGTH COACH foe MOLDING this CAT into a TRUE SPECIMEN!!!!!!
(4) WALK ON PROGRAM iz BOOOOMING------We got more WHITE KIDS out thare than yule find in the choir at MOUNTAIN BROOK BAPTIST on SUNDY!!!!! I actually love the WALK ON program and have had some buddies kids be a part of it recently and thay luvved the experience.
Juzt a few thangz I noticed:
(1) THE BACKWORDS HATS and WUT do thay meeeen????
Varry interezzzting that dis particular staff chooses to go the BACKWORDS HAT ROUTE. This iz a GOOOD SIGN for a Football teem. Generally a perzzun who wares his hat BACKWORDS iz an OLD KUNTRY BOY that WILL FIGHT TO THE BITTER END. A BLUE KOLLA perzzun if you will. Sumbody who LUVS being an UNDERDOG and will SPIT ON THE JAWJA LOGO!!!!
I reeely like dis about our staff.
(2) QUARTABAKKZ----I kannot tell who iz who out thare but the one in the YELLOW haz a RIFLE. Now, dat duzzzzn't meeen heeeez "GOOOOD", but hiz arm PLAYS THE PART!!!!
(3) The NORTHWEZZZTERN TRANZFER lookz like a GREEEK GOD. Kudos to RYAN RUZZELL and whoever iz our kurrent STRANGTH COACH foe MOLDING this CAT into a TRUE SPECIMEN!!!!!!
(4) WALK ON PROGRAM iz BOOOOMING------We got more WHITE KIDS out thare than yule find in the choir at MOUNTAIN BROOK BAPTIST on SUNDY!!!!! I actually love the WALK ON program and have had some buddies kids be a part of it recently and thay luvved the experience.