It's time for the TOP 30 (aka The Dirty Thirty) list.
We very much value The Bunker's opinion on this.
Please take a moment to fill out this survey and rank Auburn's players from most valuable on down the line.
The list is drag-and-drop. You'll find the players in numerical order plus what I'd call "high-profile newcomers" at the bottom. Pull your list into form and submit it.
This is for the players you consider most valuable to the team in 2015.
I have listed 43 players in all. If you want to list them 1-43, that's cool. If you just want to do 1-30, that's cool as well. If you stop at 10, that's fine. It's all based on each player's average rank. We'll go with the top 30 for our purposes.
If you believe there is someone deserving of a top 30 vote who is not listed, you're welcome to make a suggestion. Top 30 is O and D starters plus eight more guys, so let's not get carried away thinking Tyler Carr or Montavious Atkinson is going to be a standout right off the bat. Or maybe you really think that?
When you're finished, click "done" at the bottom of the page.
I'll leave this up for a few days. Don't feel like you have to get it done right now.