Anyone notice that as soon as I said sanctions was too poor to control when he can

Oct 1, 2012
post on the computer and that he can't in the afternoon that today is the FIRST time he's done so?

I see calling him poor has found its mark once again. You tell them Bammers that by God NO ONE controls when you get computer access! LMAO!

Just remember when you are fired for sneaking on the laptop in the bathroom stall that you brought it on yourself LMAO!
No need to start new threads every minute Ghost. Just hang with one. Try the 'post reply' button! hahahahahaha

You can try to spread out the 1% but let me tell you...

There is an endless supply of mouth breathing, west vance morons.

Roooow Damn Thde Rooow!

Book'em Dano!

I love that my 1% comment offended you so badly that you started looking for new material! Good for you! But it does validate that you place a LOT of importance on what Bammers here think of you.

I noticed this when the comments about you being too poor set you off just like all I had to do was claim your boss wouldn't let you post during the afternoon was all it took for you to suddenly post here this afternoon for the first time.

Come hell or high water dem filthy Bammers will NOT win! LMAO! Keep charging, poor sanctions! Never give up!

I love that my 1% comment offended you so badly that you started looking for new material! Good for you! But it does validate that you place a LOT of importance on what Bammers here think of you.

I noticed this when the comments about you being too poor set you off just like all I had to do was claim your boss wouldn't let you post during the afternoon was all it took for you to suddenly post here this afternoon for the first time.

Come hell or high water dem filthy Bammers will NOT win! LMAO! Keep charging, poor sanctions! Never give up!

Slow down and smell the 1% Ghost! How much can you post? You pounding away at that keyboard buddy!

Ahhhhh 1%, yea the rest are Rhodes Scholars. Bwahahahahahaha
Slow down? Projecting your behavior onto me, sanctions? LMAO! I'm not in a contest, you are fighting brother, but it's not me, you're fighting yourself! LMAO!

And there's no way you can win! LMAO!