I've wanted to share this with the Bunker for several years. Some of you may have seen on the news or read about Libby Hankins. Libby, just 23 years old, died last Friday at Duke university from complications of a double lung transplant that she had in April last year. She was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at age 2 and fought the most incredible fight I've ever seen. She literally, for 20 years, fought for every single breath.
Libby lived here in Gordo. She was our baby sitter when she was in high school. We loved her so much. So did everyone that knew her. I honestly can't explain to you why she was so special. You simply had to know her. If you met her once, you'd understand.
She was beautiful, petite, vibrant, full of life, always smiling, always helping others. She loved God and was so thankful for every day. She lived the fullest life and never let the disease stop her. She had a deep voice bc her lungs were so damaged and simply breathing was difficult most days. And even though she went to Children's Hospital 4-6 times per year, sometimes weeks at a time, she refused to make excuses. She had over 20 surgeries and countless bacterial infections and viruses that almost took her life. But she fought, like a warrior, and always stood strong while all of us cried. She is the strongest person I've ever known. And she barely weighed 110 pounds.
Everyday she had to get up two hours early to do breathing treatments and pt. She never complained, never let people know her battles. She just loved life, loved people, loved being happy.
And yet she was a great student, cheerleader from 7th to 12th grade (head in 11th and 12th) Homecoming Queen and so much more. I just can't put into words how amazing and dynamic she was. Everyone loved her and she loved everyone. And she loved animals, especially puppies.
Even though it was not what doctors advised, because she constantly fought infections that could take her life, she moved off to Livingston AL to college at University of West Alabama. Again she was a cheerleader for 4 years. Again, she was voted Homecoming Queen. She was named university Ambassador. The entire four years she struggled but she refused to quit. When she was sick, she still cheered. She was the "flyer" of the squad bc she was so petite. She loved to be thrown in the air.
We all rejoiced when she became a candidate for new lungs in 2015. She waited months and finally there was a donor. She was so grateful and in April 2016, at Duke, she received her new lungs. Her old ones would not have lasted much longer. It was a successful surgery and after staying at Duke for many months, all of us were so happy that her lungs "accepted" her body.
But two months ago, a virus would bring on complications and she would lose her battle just a few short weeks later.
Her story became a social media phenomenon. Almost 50,000 people all over the world joined the Lungs For Libby Facebook page. I think people from 15 different countries. All the major news outlets were there today. This tiny little angel changed so many lives with her fight and her story. Nurses and doctors from Children's were at the funeral. UWA had representatives and staff members. She touched so many people with her love for others and her love for life.
Please do this. Will you go to her Facebook page,
Lungs for Libby, and join the group.
There's no money required, just asking for your support and to help fight CF. And be sure to read about her and look at her videos and pictures. I promise you will be blessed.
Libby lived here in Gordo. She was our baby sitter when she was in high school. We loved her so much. So did everyone that knew her. I honestly can't explain to you why she was so special. You simply had to know her. If you met her once, you'd understand.
She was beautiful, petite, vibrant, full of life, always smiling, always helping others. She loved God and was so thankful for every day. She lived the fullest life and never let the disease stop her. She had a deep voice bc her lungs were so damaged and simply breathing was difficult most days. And even though she went to Children's Hospital 4-6 times per year, sometimes weeks at a time, she refused to make excuses. She had over 20 surgeries and countless bacterial infections and viruses that almost took her life. But she fought, like a warrior, and always stood strong while all of us cried. She is the strongest person I've ever known. And she barely weighed 110 pounds.
Everyday she had to get up two hours early to do breathing treatments and pt. She never complained, never let people know her battles. She just loved life, loved people, loved being happy.
And yet she was a great student, cheerleader from 7th to 12th grade (head in 11th and 12th) Homecoming Queen and so much more. I just can't put into words how amazing and dynamic she was. Everyone loved her and she loved everyone. And she loved animals, especially puppies.
Even though it was not what doctors advised, because she constantly fought infections that could take her life, she moved off to Livingston AL to college at University of West Alabama. Again she was a cheerleader for 4 years. Again, she was voted Homecoming Queen. She was named university Ambassador. The entire four years she struggled but she refused to quit. When she was sick, she still cheered. She was the "flyer" of the squad bc she was so petite. She loved to be thrown in the air.
We all rejoiced when she became a candidate for new lungs in 2015. She waited months and finally there was a donor. She was so grateful and in April 2016, at Duke, she received her new lungs. Her old ones would not have lasted much longer. It was a successful surgery and after staying at Duke for many months, all of us were so happy that her lungs "accepted" her body.
But two months ago, a virus would bring on complications and she would lose her battle just a few short weeks later.
Her story became a social media phenomenon. Almost 50,000 people all over the world joined the Lungs For Libby Facebook page. I think people from 15 different countries. All the major news outlets were there today. This tiny little angel changed so many lives with her fight and her story. Nurses and doctors from Children's were at the funeral. UWA had representatives and staff members. She touched so many people with her love for others and her love for life.
Please do this. Will you go to her Facebook page,
Lungs for Libby, and join the group.
There's no money required, just asking for your support and to help fight CF. And be sure to read about her and look at her videos and pictures. I promise you will be blessed.