A little LAMP but I don't care. So happy with how this worked out. So I've had this dog who has been hanging in the woods close to my house for about three weeks now. I started leaving out food and trying to get him to come to me. Literally stood out in the rain with hot dogs trying to coerce him. He was super skiddish and wouldn't let me get near him at first. Actually got worse for a little while, so I stopped leaving food out at night. Needed him to get hungry enough to come to me. A couple days ago he ate out of my hand. Yesterday he let me get close enough to pet him, and his demeanor changed almost immediately. Turned into sweetest dog you could imagine.
This is a popular drop off spot, so I assumed the worst. Posted on a local missing pet Facebook page to see if anyone was interested in taking him in, because I figured him to be abandoned. It was hard to think with how beautiful he was, but this is the fourth dog I've ran across. Well someone links another post to mine...it was from another lost and found pet Facebook page. Girl had been posting for four months about her missing dog. We get in contact and Facetime so I can show her the dog, he immediately recognizes her voice and his name. She starts to tear up. This was her pup.
Missing for four months, covered in ticks, over an hour and a half away (guessing someone took him and either abandoned him or he got away. Apparently these dogs make really good hunting dogs), been through 4th of July and numerous thunderstorms all by himself...NaNook was returned to his family.
Please forgive my dirty and unfinished carport. It's been hot af and I have a hernia. You can see the ticks on his ear but I had just gained his trust and didn't want to hurt him and spook him. The girl's mom actually pulled one of the ticks off with her fingers when she got here, lol.
I was calling him Ghost:
This is a popular drop off spot, so I assumed the worst. Posted on a local missing pet Facebook page to see if anyone was interested in taking him in, because I figured him to be abandoned. It was hard to think with how beautiful he was, but this is the fourth dog I've ran across. Well someone links another post to mine...it was from another lost and found pet Facebook page. Girl had been posting for four months about her missing dog. We get in contact and Facetime so I can show her the dog, he immediately recognizes her voice and his name. She starts to tear up. This was her pup.
Missing for four months, covered in ticks, over an hour and a half away (guessing someone took him and either abandoned him or he got away. Apparently these dogs make really good hunting dogs), been through 4th of July and numerous thunderstorms all by himself...NaNook was returned to his family.
Please forgive my dirty and unfinished carport. It's been hot af and I have a hernia. You can see the ticks on his ear but I had just gained his trust and didn't want to hurt him and spook him. The girl's mom actually pulled one of the ticks off with her fingers when she got here, lol.
I was calling him Ghost: