Really neat post. I literally have something to say about every map but I would like you to look at #15 for this particular post.
A little fact you never heard is that Germans are primarily responsible for turning America into the superpower it was in the early part of the 20th century.
You always hear "Western Europeans" created America and that is true, but Germans where who took us to super power status.
Now, I bring up that point because I want to point out the Japanese, Jews and Germans. No matter what has happened to them, no matter how big of blow they have suffered, they constantly are able to rebuild and be a world power.
Not to mention that Western Europeans built the Modern world, but look elsewhere. Look at the areas around the world that are consistently 3rd world cesspools.
Now someone could make an argument that Western Europeans (specifically Germans), the Jews and the Japanese are superior races. Now, I am not a proponent of that argument. There is to many times where you take someone from another race, raise them in one of these environments and they are incredibly successful.
My point is, that maybe it is the cultures that these 3 groups have cultivated that are the recipe for success. Now to me, it is not a maybe, it is the reason for the consistent success.. All 3 value hard work, integrity, honor, sense of duty and family.
So piggy backing on my post from yesterday, I am fed up with this "respecting other's culture" nonsense. If it is foreign policy or I am visiting, or they are visiting, than absolutely,
But for people immigrating to our country, we need encourage if not demand assimilation.
We talk about the culture of a city changing, we talk about the culture within a company being crucial to success, so why can't we say the same thing about American culture? We have to pretend that other's culture, that facilitated an environment that they fled from is equal to our own? Get out of here. And for you who are not travelers. This is distinctly American. Europe does a much better job of pressuring people to assimilate than American do.
A little fact you never heard is that Germans are primarily responsible for turning America into the superpower it was in the early part of the 20th century.
You always hear "Western Europeans" created America and that is true, but Germans where who took us to super power status.
Now, I bring up that point because I want to point out the Japanese, Jews and Germans. No matter what has happened to them, no matter how big of blow they have suffered, they constantly are able to rebuild and be a world power.
Not to mention that Western Europeans built the Modern world, but look elsewhere. Look at the areas around the world that are consistently 3rd world cesspools.
Now someone could make an argument that Western Europeans (specifically Germans), the Jews and the Japanese are superior races. Now, I am not a proponent of that argument. There is to many times where you take someone from another race, raise them in one of these environments and they are incredibly successful.
My point is, that maybe it is the cultures that these 3 groups have cultivated that are the recipe for success. Now to me, it is not a maybe, it is the reason for the consistent success.. All 3 value hard work, integrity, honor, sense of duty and family.
So piggy backing on my post from yesterday, I am fed up with this "respecting other's culture" nonsense. If it is foreign policy or I am visiting, or they are visiting, than absolutely,
But for people immigrating to our country, we need encourage if not demand assimilation.
We talk about the culture of a city changing, we talk about the culture within a company being crucial to success, so why can't we say the same thing about American culture? We have to pretend that other's culture, that facilitated an environment that they fled from is equal to our own? Get out of here. And for you who are not travelers. This is distinctly American. Europe does a much better job of pressuring people to assimilate than American do.