2 Scholarship tickets (with free food & programs) in Section 6 (right on the 50), Row 41 + a parking pass in the lot across from Lowder Hall. Parking Lot is called Campus Safety.
My wife had foot surgery 8 days ago and still can't walk up steps without a handrail. She wants me to go and sell one ticket. I don't want to go without her but just might. 2 tickets & parking pass are $500. I can meet in town or at Tiger Town or wherever except near the stadium. Call 404-405-4024
My wife had foot surgery 8 days ago and still can't walk up steps without a handrail. She wants me to go and sell one ticket. I don't want to go without her but just might. 2 tickets & parking pass are $500. I can meet in town or at Tiger Town or wherever except near the stadium. Call 404-405-4024