bill farewell tour

  1. CowardlyToaster

    Bill's parting shot was an absolute banger.

    This dude is hilarious. His favorite story to tell by far is the one about the time he got bit by a water moccasin and didn't go to the doctor. I think it happened around 40 years ago but he's framed his life around that event. It was such an incredibly stupid thing to have done, but you can...
  2. CowardlyToaster

    Bill is ready to go home, but still has some gas in the tank.

    He's been sitting in the same spot on my couch since 5:30 watching the Law and Order marathon. Lustily chiming in on any exposition or big reveal. "They gottem now." "That's the one that really did it." "That guy is a great lawyer." That guy is an actor, Bill.